First Belize post, a day late

2013-05-27 11.45.06


Alright, I’m going to attempt to maintain a blog as I can to both keep a record of my trip and keep family and friends informed with as much detail as they want. This is the view as you walk out the door from the Belize Airport. I was picked up, with my traveling companion, Connor Rogers (a student at UT), by Ishmael Vallejos, our primary contact in Belize. Fun fact, you get a weird look at Customs if you reply “At some guy named Ishmael’s house maybe, I don’t know his last name,” when asked “And where in Corozal (a provence in Belize, which was as specific as I could get at the time) will you be staying?” (also there was a lot of background noise due to the fact that there was a live friggin’ band playing next to baggage claim). Anyway, for some reason they let me in the country. We went briefly to Belize City, but it was Commonwealth Day so everything was closed. Everything, that is, except for a bunch of Chinese Restaurants. Apparently they are big here. Aaaand next post.

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